Appendix A: What Data Was Gathered From The Local Study
One of the most important aspects of our project was the creation of two local studies:
one student survey containing 14 questions
one advisor survey containing 19 questions
We decided to survey both groups, that way we could see both sides of the spectrum, as it was sure to aid us in the formation of five recommendations for IUPUI Undergraduate Advising Program. Client Dr. Alves, in addition to peer, Dr. Anne Whitehead, revised the surveys to help them focus directly on the scopes. The purpose of our surveys were to give students a place to anonymously express their feelings about the advising program, and for us to use the data to support recommendations, in hopes of improving IUPUI Advising.
Google Forms were used to conduct both surveys. Our team chose Google Forms, because we have been using the entire Google Suite so far to keep in touch and stay organized. This helped us transfer data more efficiently and it also helped us send out the data via Gmail to both students and advisors. Neither survey followed a specific format. The student survey was more challenging to create, as we had the answers for each question depend on the way the student answered the previous question. This allowed us to create unique questions for each experience that the students have had.
Below, you will find examples from each survey and the importance of them.
Figure 4.1: student survey results for Question 15

Figure 6.1: This diagram was from the student survey and this is to help us realize how many advisors students are meeting with. We were hoping to see in the lower numbers, because it is easier to develop a relationship with one advisor rather than multiple.
Figure 4.2: student survey results for on demand virtual advising

Figure 6.2: This diagram was from the student survey and this helps support our recommendation about the availability of e-advising. The results from this are showing that students seem to be very interested in this idea.
Figure 4.3: student survey results for creating a four year degree

Figure 6.3: This diagram was from the student survey and this helps support our recommendation about the creation of four year plans. A lot of students have shown that they have created a plan, but we have gathered from the comments that their plans are very confusing to them.
Figure 4.4: student survey results for Number of experience for advisors

Figure 6.4: This diagram is from the advisor survey. It relates to the amount of time that our advisors have been working here. We want to see the highest numbers here.
Figure 4.5: student survey results for on training for IUPUi advisors

Figure 6.5: This diagram is from the advisor survey and helps support our recommendation about training courses for advisors. This data is very widespread, so we will conduct extra research and compare between which schools the advisors are answering from.
In addition to the multiple choice questions, each survey included write out questions. These will be very relevant to us, because we are gaining great quotes, and even further sub-recommendations from the advisors and students both.
The advisors are showing us that they are overwhelmed with all of the students they are assigned, and the students are showing us that they have many problems when it comes to advising situations. These problems will be further discussed in the Appendix B.