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Wriig Project1


Let's persuade a company to work with us!


Let's Inform a company about the good news!

Bad news

Let's inform a company about the bad news.


Let's see the big picture in motion!

Retrospective Memo 

Let's reflect on what we have learned!

Persuasive Correspondence: Email Format

Subject Line:  Invited to IUPUI’s 10 Week Free Recommendation Report 

Good morning/evening (Name):


Your (company name) is  invited to collaborate with a team of IUPUI students who will provide you with a free online recommendation report. Students will spend 10 weeks, about 200 hours analyzing an in-house challenge or opportunity that you pick. 


About the Project:

This is an IUPUI student-led project over the course of 10 weeks. This will be about 200+ hrs where we will explore and analyze best practices and industry trends on an in-house challenge or opportunity with your permission. With collaborating we will be able to provide the following: 


  • Formal Digital Recommendation report 

  • Local study of about 50 people 

  • One 30 minute meeting around 2pm on Zoom where you explain your concern in further detail. This will allow the team to have a better understanding of what needs to be analyzed. (Out side from picking a topic, this is all we need from you) 

  • Review of literature - 100 hrs of research , condensed in 4 pages 


For this to be provided, I will advocate for your business and topic in a contest with 25 other students on (date of contest). After each student pitches their project a voting process will take place, and the top 5 will advance. If you would like an example of a Digital Recommendation Report previously  completed please click here. 


Reasons to Collaborate with IUPUI:

  • (Business Name) could increase career opportunities/ development in any aspect you desire.

  • This report will be specialized solely for your business. 


If this captures your attention, all you have to do is respond and name your topic of choice. I will follow up with an email on (date and time) to confirm your status on this project.


Thank you for your time,

Jada White, IUPUI

Pesuasive Corespndens

Goodwill: Email Format

Subject Line: Our IUPUI (company Name) Proposal was A Finalist: Let’s Schedule a Zoom Meeting

Good afternoon (First Name, Last Name):


Our IUPUI (Company Name) proposal was a finalist. This process consisted of a contest at IUPUI between 25 different students pitching their ideas. A voting process took place on January 27th. The project with the most votes moved forward resulting in 5 finalists and we are one of them! If you would like to see the proposal made click Here. Now, let us look over some details and Schedule a Meeting Date. 


This project will consist of the following:

  • Formal Digital Recommendation report 

  • Local study of about 50 people 

  • One 30 minute meeting around 2pm on Zoom where you explain your concern in further detail. This will allow the team to have a better understanding of what needs to be analyzed. 

  • Review of literature - 100 hrs of research , condensed in 4 pages


Our Next Step: 

Since you have given us your topic of choice (name topic), we will need to have a one time 30 minute Zoom meeting to clarify any lose end questions and to make sure the group knows exactly what to look at. After this, we will get to work on our exploration of (name topic) The available dates for our one time meeting:

  • (Date One & Time)

  • (Date Two & Time)

  • (Date Three & Time)


Zoom Link: Here


Some of the question that will be asked during the meeting will be (over name of project):

  • What has the organization done previously to address the challenge?

  • What do you expect our team might find/recommend as we learn more about the issue?

  • What are the best websites/ publication our team can read for industry standards and best practices?

  • Is there a budget in place that the team should keep in mind as you explore options/recommendations?

  • Who should the team contact if they have questions?


I will follow up with you on (Date & Time) to confirm the status of the Zoom meeting’s date and time. 


Thank you for your time,

Jada White, IUPUI


Bad News: Email Format

Subject Line: My IUPUI (Company Name) Proposal was not a Finalist 

 Dear (First Name,Last Name):


My IUPUI (Company Name) proposal was not a finalist. This process consisted of a contest at IUPUI between 25 different students pitching their ideas. A voting process took place on January 27th. The project with the most votes moved forward resulting in only 5 finalists. 


Our Next Step:

There are some things to think about: 

  • 25 more students know more about (Company Name) 

  • If you have any further questions please contact my professor, Deborah Oesh-Minor:     


Thank you for your time and effort on this proposal. I wish you and your business the greatest.


I appreciate the opportunity with working with you,

Jada White

Bad News



Retrospective Memo 

W231 Professional Writing Skills Retrospective Memo


DATE: 8th February 2022


TO: Debbie Oesch-Minor


FROM: Jada White


SUBJECT: Surrounded By IUPUI Plus: Focussing on Correspondences, Peer Review, Visuals, and Responses 



The information brought to you in this memo is information taught to students in IUPUI’s W231 class. All information was given with the help of Professor Debbie Oesch-Minor and Kitty O Locker.   The memo will cover the purpose of why this course is surrounded by the IUPUI plus, where students will learn how to communicate, innovate, problem solve, and become a community contributor. 


IUPUI Plus: Connecting the Ideas of 4 Puzzles Pieces to W231 Assignments 

The School of IUPUI bases their classes around the IUPUI plus to be sure that their undergrad students are learning with success. This plus includes four component puzzle pieces including communicating, innovating, problem solving, and becoming a community contributor. In the W231 class we go through a process for our first writing project. These assignments and four components match up like the following: 

  • Communicate: Persuading a business to work with you

  • Innovate: Creating a Visual Pitch 

  • Problem solve: how to take negative feedback and looking at them as a positive

  • Community Contributor: Peer review, and giving constructive feedback 


Communicator: Process of Writing the Correspondence to a Business 

IUPUI’s first component piece is Communication this is where their student will learn how to:

  • Evaluates Information 

  • Listens Actively 

  • Builds Relationships 

  • Conveys Ideas Effectively 


W231 all starts with Writing a correspondence, which is a persuasive writing/email that grabs the attention of whomever you are writing towards. To start, Kitty Locker talks about “Benefiting the reader”, by doing this the business has a reason to be intrigued. “Benefitting the reader is very important in the ideas of showing overall respect as well as building goodwill with the reader/client” (Loker, 2013, p. 71). When writing towards a business, you want to show your respect but also get their attention, especially if they have never met you before. 


While grabbing the attention, you also want to explain what you're writing about. This should include the project information, their benefits, and what you need from them. You will want to have all of this information organized and concise so they know exactly what they are getting themselves into. 

 After your first correspondence, you will have built a new relationship with someone or maybe even strengthened a relationship by showing common interests for the business.


Community Contributor: Peer Review, and Receiving Constructive Feedback

IUPUI’s Second component piece is Community Contributor: This is where students will be able to:

  • Builds Community 

  • Respectfully Engages Own and Others Work

  • Behaves Ethically 


Incorporate these factors into the class there is Peer Review. For this class, you are given a worksheet and you write your information on it and you switch with a partner. “It treats the receiver as a person, not a number. It cements a good relationship between the communicator and the receiver” (Locker, 2016, p. 12). Though the book talks about this in a client view it can also be applied to your peers. For instance, when looking at my first draft of my correspondence I had wrote, “As previously described, this is an IUPUI student-led project over the course of 10 weeks”, and it sounded perfect, to me. 


When peer reviewing my partner gave back feedback and stated that it was written well, but to make it stronger, she suggested taking out “As previously described”. Beforehand, it sounded perfectly fine, but after rewriting it to “This is an IUPUI student-led project over the course of 10 weeks” it sounded less intimidated and more confident. 


When Peer review it’s all tied to being respectful to those around you and building relationships and growing together as a community. It may be frustrating but you learn how to give constructive feedback in a positive way.


Innovator: Creating a Persuasive Visual and Reading the Audience 

IUPUI’s third component piece is Innovator: This is where students will be able to:

  • Investigate

  • Create/design 

  • Make Decisions  


Once Finding a business to collaborate with, it’s time to find a team to investigate with. This is where the Visual persuasion comes in place. “A well designed document is easier to read and builds goodwill” (Locker, 2013, p. 16)  You will want to keep the visual clean, but also be able to read your audience. For instance, I made a video with three specific colors, blue, orange, and yellow, so that it would be bright like the class was. To make my visual not extremely serious I made it an animation. These components will persuade the audience that like this type of criteria.


Problem Solving: Receiving Three No Responses and Looking at the Positives

IUPUI’s fourth component piece is Problem Solving: This is where students will be able to:

  • Think critically about

  • Analyze 

  • Persevere 


During this course most will learn how to cope with receiving negative feedback. For instance, three emails were sent out to three separate businesses and a response was never given. Which, for most cases seems extremely negative however, “ In most situations, however, it’s better to be positive” (Locker, 2015, p.63). The book explains that we must not focus on the negatives but rather focus on what was positive and in this case it’s everything we have learned. We have learned to think critically on communicating with others - analyzing what needs to be fixed in our writings while peer reviewing - move forward with our head up and a positive attitude.

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